© · lexi's colours

i spy..

i spy..

I grew up without a role model.

I mean, I had parents, but I didn’t see them as heroes or anything. They were regular people, with regular jobs and lives. And regular isn’t really role model material, is it?

But I think that’s a good thing.

Hear me out!

I got to pick and choose what I found to be a positive and suitable example to follow, and I never expected people to be perfect. I knew better.

Isn’t that nice?

Okay, at times it wasn’t so nice; there were moments when I believed in God just to feel like I had someone on my team, someone to look up to.

But people with imaginary friends get bullied. I didn’t.

Yes, I got to explore minds, take what I liked, and make it mine.

I was like that simpleton who had to eat in a five-star restaurant for the first time: too many forks, man!
All you can do is observe the others and apply what fits.

So I kind of had my own value system: no god to fear (eventually) and no parents with healthy expectations to disappoint.

It was scary, I’m not gonna lie, but it also gave me strength.

You know, that kind of strength when you know you’re right because you’ve done months of unbiased research on a subject?
The kind of strength that doesn’t ask for validation but rather for pertinent feedback.

That was it. That was all I wanted to say. Is it okay if I leave now?
I’m gonna. Bye!

don’t wanna
miss out?